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Justin Stump

And like we didn't need anymore brains to the operation, but we got a DP (director of photography) and set designer, the GREEN SCREEN and well,  just all around good guy to have in any circumstance.  He has DP'ed 4 features now and acted in 3 while even getting some locations.  A good friend, a good crew member and all around asset to ANY team he lands on.  Glad he's with us...

The movie star  and brother of Frank, Kash has done 6 features and many more to come.  A teacher by trade he will be helping with basic acting classes and more. As he didn't have ANY schooling or anything in this, just something he loved and is DEFIINITELY naturally talented in it and much more!  But definitely the handsome one in the family as crazily he is just himself on camera and well that has made all the difference as nothing was fake or forced, but just smooth.  Which is the most important thing when filming, but you will find out all the secrets in class! Stay tuned...

Kash Sheikh


And finally this is Stephen, the man who built the greenscreen  with some instructions from me.  And actually made it in 3 different places!  Talented, funny, and all around smart guy.  He is the Macguyver of the crew as he knows a little bit about everything.  So this completes the crew as words can't do them justice.  We hope to help or make your life better after we do...

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